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Insight Global President Lawrence Dearth Talks Jobs and Joy

Graphics featuring the words Jobs and Joy with the Insight Global logo and colorful dots

Jobs & Joy is Insight Global’s annual holiday-giving campaign where we invite our clients and consultants to join in our mission of philanthropy and fundraising—it’s our opportunity to not only help put people to work but also support worthy causes this time of year.

How it works: From November 1 to December 31, Insight Global donates $2,000 for every 100th consultant who starts a new job with a client.

Both the consultant and the Insight Global client who hires them are able to choose from one of Insight Global’s eight charity partners to receive the donation. To date, we have had the joy of donating more than $1 million through this program.



To kick off this season of giving, we sat down with Insight Global President, Lawrence Dearth, to learn more about this initiative and its origins.

I’d love to hear more about how Jobs & Joy came to be.

Dearth: As a company that prioritizes giving back, we wanted to connect our business—placing people in jobs—with a way to also support our amazing charity partners during the holiday season. Jobs & Joy was born from the idea that we can support the causes that we care about doing what we do best.In 2020, we saw our industry get turned on its head with one of the biggest spikes in unemployment in many of our lifetimes. That same year, we found our purpose to be a light to the world around us—especially to job seekers who found themselves feeling hopeless during the pandemic.

Near the end of that year, we started seeing our customers begin to hire again. As we went into the holidays in 2020, we invited our clients and consultants to join us in our purpose to “be the light” while honoring the good work that happens in the staffing industry by connecting people with opportunities and donating to organizations in need.

What’s your favorite part about Jobs & Joy?

Dearth: My favorite part is the opportunity to partner with charities who are all doing impactful work in our communities. Over the past four years of this campaign, we’ve seen our philanthropic efforts enable our partners to impact hundreds of thousands of lives. It’s special seeing our people take pride in supporting these efforts.

These partnerships have grown beyond the holiday season donations. With OneWorld Health, nearly 200 of our employees have volunteered on trips to third world countries, working in the seven hospitals that we have built together.

It’s seeing our leaders sponsoring inclusive events with Best Buddies, seeing our teams in the field supporting disaster response with Team Rubicon, and mentor programs with Big Brother Big Sisters.

Jobs & Joy gives our team, our clients, and our consultants an invitation to join in being the light in a way that lasts beyond the two-month campaign.


What are you most looking forward to in this year’s campaign?

Dearth: I love seeing our leaders and teams start creating scoreboards and competing over who can put more people to work and raise more funds for our partners. The culture of team sales and healthy competition prevalent at Insight Global can lead to a lot of fun in the name of a good cause.

Speaking of competition, I’m also looking forward to seeing who in the executive team goes the farthest in our Movember bracket. Many place bets on CEO Bert Bean or CRO Sam Kaufman—my money is on COO Tim Stutz.

How can people learn more to get involved in this year’s Jobs & Joy?

You can visit the Jobs & Joy site to make a donation today, see how we are progressing, and recommend someone who you know who is hiring or looking for a new job.