This month, Insight Global announced the latest “Grit” clinic opening in partnership with OneWorld Health to provide sustainable, affordable healthcare to underserved communities around the world. The latest clinic, funded entirely by Insight Global, is in a small town located in Jinja District in the eastern region of Uganda.
This is a new area for OneWorld Health and serves as the third hub for Uganda. The Bugembe clinic provides much needed outpatient medical services to help the people in this densely populated area. Currently, in the entire region there are only 900 hospital beds and 9 medical clinics to serve nearly 500,000 people. In the Bugembe area in particular, there is a young population, including many young mothers and children under the age of five. In the next several years, OneWorld Health will expand this facility to include an inpatient and maternity ward.
This new facility is expected to serve around 265,000 patients in its lifetime.
In addition to providing medical care, this clinic will provide 260 jobs for the local people through the construction and staffing of the facility.
The opening overlays with a service trip of 12 Insight Global employees.
“The new Bugembe hospital that Insight Global has funded is located in an area where there has been a tremendous need for quality and affordable healthcare services for a long time, and I am excited about the impact it will have for the people of this community,” said Lorna Muhirwe, OneWorld Health Country Director for Uganda.
The Grit clinic in Bugembe is the seventh clinic towards our pledge of building ten new facilities by 2025 as part of our ESG initiatives. The name of these clinics is inspired by the late Kirby Steil, beloved Insight Global leader who in the face of his own health challenges inspired us with his perseverance and determination.
Insight Global has partnered with OneWorld Health since 2020.