Insight Global’s first-ever Summer of Service campaign has officially come to a close, with over 2,000 hours dedicated to serving others and 32 participating offices nationwide! In alignment with our shared value We Take Care of Each Other, Insight Global employees identified ways throughout the summer to donate their time by serving our communities and impacting those in need.
This particular Summer of Service campaign has helped many employees and offices bounce back on the heels of the pandemic, especially in terms of spending time together for something greater than themselves. Insight Global offers each employee five days of “service-related PTO” annually to internal employees, so they can be of service to others and their community. With this allowance, employees banded together to donate their time to various initiatives, including animal support, career advancement, clean-up projects, combating homelessness, food bank support, fundraising for non-profits and supporting women and children.
“My favorite part of this summer was witnessing just how passionate our employees are about aligning with causes that are important to them,” Director of Philanthropy Kenny Szwech said.
At the beginning of the summer, the New Jersey office cleaned up summer camp picnic areas, planted flowers and set up outdoor tents for children to eat lunches outside the local Salvation Army center. “Everyone had smiles and a feeling of purpose as we walked away knowing that children will be utilizing this cleaned-up space over the summer months,” Account Manager Fritz Kielblock said. At the end of the summer, the New Jersey team donated 40 backpacks filled with schools supplies in preparation for a new school year.
Account Manager Savannah Woods, from the Nashville office also participated in the Summer of Service alongside her friends and co-workers. “The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a scary time for many people, and now more than ever, there is food instability, homelessness, layoffs and isolation,” Savannah said. “Knowing that in just one day our group made an impact on this organization by volunteering was a huge win.”
Benefits Coordinator Madeline Danser from Atlanta connected her colleagues to multiple volunteer events throughout the summer. “Since work from home began, this team has doubled in size, so it has been hard to get to know everyone,” said Madeline. “Spending time shopping for backpack supplies at Target or chopping down trees and pulling up weeds at Piedmont Park was a great way to serve the community while getting to know the heart of my team members better.”
In a similar philanthropic sentiment, the Bentonville team partnered with the Dress for Success organization and the Peace at Home Shelter to hold workshops covering three main areas: resume assistance, interview preparation and suiting. As a result of this event, at least 10 women walked away with a new and improved resume and new professional clothing.
“This experience did not only make us feel grateful for the life we are lucky to live, but it also gave us the perspective we needed always to be the light for everyone around us,” Account Manager Lexie Harper said. “Because of the impact Insight Global made during this event, these women may find their first jobs or land a job for the first time in months or years.”
These initiatives painted the landscape of the entire summer, as 52 teams vowed to spend weeks serving others. “IG has just scratched the surface of how positively we can affect our planet and others, and I cannot wait to see what we do from here,” Kenny said.
Insight Global is proud to be the light to the world and will continue charging after similar initiatives for months and years to come.