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Insight Global Celebrates Moms

Happy Mother's Day
There is nothing greater than the love, selflessness, and dedication of a mother. In honor of this Mother’s Day, we were honored to chat with several Insight Global employees, clients, and consultants who inspire us every day as mothers, both in the office and at home. Enjoy!

What is your favorite thing about being a mother?

“The way my kids look at me. I think about the way I feel about my mom – the pride, inspiration, love, admiration, respect; and to know two people think that way about me is just the most heartwarming thing. When Manny and Peyton look at me I can see that and it makes everything worth it.”- Whitney Hedlund, Recruiting Manager and mother to Manny (2.5) and Peyton (5 months)

“My favorite thing about motherhood is the family time that I make for my kids such as movie nights which gives us the opportunity to just talk about our interests, relax and laugh. I love to listen to them and just hear how they are thinking as they grow and mature by the conversations we have or just listening to them talking to one another.” – Pamela Jemison, Insight Global consultant and mother to Mical (19), Isaiah, (14) and Faith (11).

Have you always envisioned yourself being a working mother?

“I have always been someone who is super career driven, but in the back of my mind dreamt of having a big family with children close in age. I didn’t think much further than that and knew in the end I would do what’s best for my family. After having children, I realized I was the type of person that needed my career in order to be the best version of myself for my kids. Don’t get me wrong, I love being with my children, but working has allowed me to grow myself in all areas- mentally, physically and emotionally. I find joy in my job and what I do and I think it is important to do something you love for yourself. Happy mother, happy children!” – Raven Thompson, Sales Manager and mother to Liam (3) and Vance (2)

“I always wanted children but also knew I wanted a career to be proud of, and I knew that I could have both. It helps that I have an incredible like-minded, supportive husband. We make a great team so we can both aggressively pursue our goals. I wanted my girls to know that mom works hard to provide a nice life for them but that you can also lead a great family life at the same time. I know I am blessed to work for a company that allows for that balance.” – Jordan Whelan, Sales Manager and mother to Carter Rae (2.5) and Eva Cade (1).

What is the best way a company can support working mothers and women wanting to start a family?

“Always knowing that family is first and being understanding and flexible when things come up. There are so many variables that can pop up in a day as a mom and it is so crucial to know you have a support system at work that is willing to step in when you need to take care of your family!” – Mackenzie Burros, Sales Manager and mother to Sutton (15 months)

What advice would you give to other women wanting to start a family while building a career?

“Create a community and support system around you and please give yourself grace! Follow your heart and know when to call an audible when it comes to your children. I promise you that meeting you had to miss or reschedule is going to be run just fine and although it may feel like you are letting someone down at every turn, you are not, they understand more than you know and want to help.” – Kristen Stombaugh, Director of Operations and mother to Westrick (6) and Royce (5).

“Be purposeful in setting aside time for yourself. As a mother, it is so easy to be consumed with caring for our families that we often put ourselves on the back burner. Ask for help when you need it. You will make mistakes, but that doesn’t make you a bad mom.” – Rolanda Goodwin, Insight Global client and mother to Sam and Kirsten (both adults and living on their own in GA).

Who is your biggest support system?

“My husband for sure. He is truly a partner in every way and steps in so that we can both feel balance in work and parenting. After him, my team and leadership have been amazing! Everyone is super understanding and supportive overall but the best part has been my team stepping up as individual leaders for each other.” – Sofia Iturbe, Sales Manager and mother to Adrian (4 months)

What does a typical day in the life look like for you?

“Returning to work in a work-from-home era has created an interesting twist to being a working mom. I feel fortunate that in working from home I can maintain a flexible schedule.

On a typical day we have some playtime first thing in the morning but also gather around the dining room table to eat breakfast and check email before meetings kick off. Throughout the day I stagger my breaks to feed Jackson. It’s amazing to take 5-10 minutes between meetings with my baby when I probably would have chatted with a coworker before. Toward the end of the work day I prioritize time to wrap up. This helps me ensure I can spend focused time with Collin [husband] and Jackson before dinner and starting Jackson’s bedtime routine.

Aside from scheduling changes, I’ve made an effort to be conscious of time and use it as efficiently as possible. I try to have focused time for work to complete priorities and focused time for family where I’m unplugged from work each day. I also am working on being realistic. In the past I worked a lot, too much at times, and I am now in a phase where it’s important me to do my best at work but also protect time for family.” – Bre’ Greenman, Insight Global client and mother to Jackson James (8 months).

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to our IG Moms who truly do it all. It takes strength to take on two roles (and let’s be real, sometimes it feels like 100) but you are our real-life super heroes. Happy Mother’s Day from our family to yours!