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Welcome Bria Villasante and Jordan King to Insight Global’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team!

Bria Villasante and Jordan King

Insight Global is excited to announce the promotion of Bria Villasante, Insight Global’s newest Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Strategist, and Jordan King, Insight Global’s newest DEI Analyst.

As a staffing company dedicated to empowering people our goals don’t start and end with our internal employees. We also carry the unique responsibility of making an impact on the demographic of our client’s workforce, the inclusion felt by our consultants, and equity fostered through partnering with the community around us.

Jordan is bold and relentless in her efforts to change the world. “Our people are already world-changers; by providing jobs, solutions, resources, and consulting for our employees and our clients, they have proven their ability to make an impact,” she said. “By educating our people, providing support and resources, and holding them accountable to our efforts within diversity, equity, and inclusion, I believe my goal will evolve from dream to reality.”

Like Jordan, Bria turned her dream into a reality.

“It is incredible to have your passion end up being your career, which not many are fortunate enough to say.” – Bria Villasante

In her time as an Account Manager running one of the largest COVID relief projects in company history, she had learned that “vulnerability has led to more genuine partnerships with my clients, my consultants, and my colleagues. This company gives me the ability to be me. I am a Latina woman who is covered in tattoos and certainly not the cookie cutter image I envisioned as a female leader. Yet, I am who I am, and I am grateful to be here.”

Both Bria and Jordan draw inspiration from the strong women that came before them. Jordan comes from a long line of powerful women in her family – women who have fought relentlessly to provide for their families while working multiple jobs, receiving degrees while being mothers, and withstanding trials and come out victorious. Their influence in her life lit a fire in her to work hard, to never retreat in the face of adversity, and to be kind to everyone she meets along the way. “My Mimi always tells me ‘it’s not what you take in this world, it’s what you leave’, and that is the mentality I carry with me at work,” Jordan said. “I want to leave every meeting, every conversation, and every interaction knowing that I have given my best. In a role like this – one that carries such weight and impact on the lives of individuals – I think of Mimi’s words often, knowing my journey I have as a woman and a champion of change is not daunting, but the most exciting honor I get the privilege of embarking on.”

Bria says her mother “raised her on the words ‘do all things with purpose and intent, or do not do them at all.’ That is my goal, to be intentional with all actions made, to be a vessel for those around me, and allow that to foster opportunities that may have not been there before.” The success of corporations who place intentional focus on DEI strategies do far better than their competitors – there is research behind it. Companies want inclusive cultures, they just don’t know where to start. That’s where the diversity, equity, and inclusion team can help.

For everyone in our company and for those outside of Insight Global that this team will impact, this is a tangible change that puts action behind our first shared value “Everyone Matters”, and it’s a commitment that we do not take lightly.