Samantha Philbert is an Insight Global Consultant. Hired on a few months ago as a Contact Tracer, Samantha’s purpose in this role is to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Unfortunately, before starting with Insight Global, Samantha suffered the loss of two family members from COVID, one of whom was in the ICU for 165 days.
Recently, Samantha was working with a client on the phone when she noticed a struggle and weakness in the man’s voice.
“I kept asking him questions to monitor his breathing. He couldn’t even make It through a full sentence,” Samantha said.
Samantha had heard something similar when her family member was battling COVID. Proactively, Samantha started asking if he was facing any symptoms. He checked off every box. Samantha noted “I’m a good listener, I listen to every little detail when I am on the phone with my customers, and I just knew something wasn’t right. It’s an instinct.”
As the conversation progressed, Samantha knew that she needed to help this man immediately. She calmly explained to that she would like to call 911 on his behalf for assistance. He agreed that it was a good idea and together over the phone, they gathered his belongings to go to the hospital. She ensured he had his wallet, insurance card, cell phone charger, and all personal necessities. When she went to ask for his address Samantha said he franticly responded, “I don’t know, I don’t know why I can’t remember.”
Samantha pulled up Google Maps and started going through street names in his area until one resonated with him.
She stayed on the phone with him to keep him calm and offer support until the ambulance arrived. The responder spoke to her and thanked her for her kindness and hard work as a contact tracer of New York state.
When asked how she felt about the situation, Samantha said “I felt like I really impacted this gentleman. I led with kindness and ensured that I took care of him, even though it was over the phone. He didn’t have anyone by his side and if I didn’t go through the steps I took, he could have really suffered. This job has been a blessing to know that I am able to provide support to individuals who are currently facing hardships. I have learned so much about myself and enhanced my customer service skills. This position that Insight Global has provided me has changed my life personally for the better,” Samantha said. “When a friend told me about the job, I was interested but I didn’t think it would impact me in such a positive way. Starting this position has really made me realize how sick people are and how much we are helping.”
“We are making an impact and it feels good. The whole COVID situation has really made you appreciate life and who is standing by your side.”
Samantha is now working on assisting New York state residents and scheduling their vaccinations. She is continuing to make an impact through each interaction she makes.
Thank you to Samantha and the many more like her, who continue to be the light for the world around them.