There are multiple dimensions of diversity in the workplace, but certain underrepresented groups face unique challenges in finding meaningful employment and inclusive work environments. Part of promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) in the workplace is understanding these challenges.

Veterans often struggle to transition back to civilian life after serving in the military. This is even more true for veterans with a disability.

LGBTQIA+ people often struggle with exclusionary workplaces. One survey found that almost half reported experiencing unfair treatment at work. Another survey found that almost half are closeted at work, and more than half heard coworkers joke about LGBTQIA+ people.

Older Workers
Age discrimination in the workplace is also an issue. One survey found that almost half of older workers reported experiencing age discrimination after turning 40.

We’ve written before about women in the workplace, the glass ceiling, and the broken rung. Here’s a quick look at some of those relevant data points.

Disabled People
People with disabilities have a harder time finding jobs than able-bodied people. In addition, they often experience workplace discrimination due to their disabilities.

Black people, Indigenous people, and other people of color (BIPOC) often experience discrimination in the workplace. They’re also subject to the same glass ceiling that women face.

Additional resources:
- Pew Research, Gender Discrimination, 2017
- Pew Research, Data on Women Leaders, 2023
- Fast Company
- McKinsey (Women in the Workplace 2023)
- McKinsey (Women in the Workplace 2022)
- Gallup
- QuestionPro
- Pew Research, Asian American Discrimination, 2023
- Fortune
Create an Inclusive Workplace with Insight Global
Are you ready to build an inclusive workplace where all employees have the chance to succeed? If so, contact Insight Global today to learn more about our DEIB training and talent solutions.