Free Download: Onboarding Checklist for Managers & HR Teams

With Insight Global’s free onboarding checklist, you’ll be able to keep track of your new hire’s experience from start to finish—every time.

From the moment a candidate signs the offer letter, it’s vital to make sure your new hire has a great onboarding experience. Studies have shown that a great onboarding process leads to improved retention and lower attrition, better employee engagement and morale, and cost savings from not having to routinely restart the hiring process!

But onboarding doesn’t stop once the employee’s walked in the door! The onboarding process includes steps such as:

  • New hire paperwork
  • Background checks
  • Training and orientation
  • Setting up the employee’s desk/workspace
  • Tour of the facilities

And so much more!

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You’ll get instant access to the onboarding checklist in one easy step.

Who This Checklist Is For

  • Hiring Managers

    Any hiring manager can find this onboarding checklist useful! It can especially be helpful for managers at smaller businesses who have little onboarding support.

  • HR Leaders

    Use our onboarding checklist as a template for what yours can look like—whether that’s a physical checklist or one in an employee tracking system!

  • Line Managers

    If you’re the person overseeing a new employee, use this checklist to follow along with their onboarding and fill in any gaps as you see fit!

What's in the Onboarding Checklist?

Within Insight Global’s onboarding checklist, you’ll find:

  • 15 preset tasks
  • 18 blank spaces to customize tasks
  • Areas to fill in the employee’s name, role, and start date
  • Columns to keep track of the date the task needs to be completed by, status updates, and any notes to add about the task

*Note: This checklist can vary company-to-company and role-to-role. This is meant as a starting point to make sure your new hire is set up for success! We’ve left blank spaces for you to add tasks specific to your company and team, and for what happens after the employee’s first day.

preview of Insight Global's onboarding checklist

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