Campus Partnerships

Each school year, you can find our Talent Acquisition Specialists visiting over 250 schools nationwide for career fairs, interviews, program partnership events, intercollegiate competitions and classroom speaking engagements. Check out your career center job board site for specific information for details of when we will be visiting your campus, or to learn more about our career opportunities! ​



Our campus sponsorships are incredibly important to us, serving as the cornerstone of our collaborative hiring efforts for our sales career. We are devoted to fostering meaningful partnerships and aim to create a transformative impact that resonates with our 5 Shared Values at every campus we work with.

Additionally, we sponsor over 40 universities, 7 intercollegiate sales competitions, and 3 intercollegiate corporate programs. These fuel our commitment to impact the faculty, staff and students we actively work with, but our commitment to impact universities across our company’s current footprint extends far beyond these sponsorships. ​

Sales Programs

Arizona State University

​Bryant University

​California Polytechnic State University

​California State University, Chico

​Central Michigan University

​Elon University

​Indiana University, Bloomington

Michigan State University

Ohio University

​Oregon State University

​Queens University​

University of Alabama​

University of Arizona

​University of Central Florida

​University of Delaware​

University of Georgia

​University of Kansas

​University of New Hampshire

​University of South Florida

​University of Tennessee

​University of Washington​

Washington State University

​Western Kentucky University

​Wilfred Laurier University​

Degree Programs

Colorado State University

Pennsylvania State University

University of Arkansas

University of Mississippi

University of Texas

West Virginia University

Career Centers & Fairs

Boise State University

Chapman University

Florida State University

North Carolina State University

University of Southern California

Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

University of Georgia

Texas A&M University

University of Alabama

University of Florida

Intercollegiate Sales Competitions

National Collegiate Sales Competition

Northeast Intercollegiate Sales Competition

Western States Sales Competition

Make Your Mark in Sales

We’re a staffing company dedicated to connecting people with opportunities. Begin your career with us.