
How to Let a Company Know You Have Another Job Offer

Updated November 2024

Congratulations are in order—you’ve received an official job offer! As a job seeker, it’s important to recognize these moments, even if you ultimately decide to move in another direction.

Job searching is stressful. Doing it well requires significant preparation, patience, organization, and confidence. To improve your chances of obtaining a great new job, you’ve likely sent in several applications and landed a handful of interviews. You’ve juggled the job descriptions and interviewers’ names alongside your daily responsibilities. An actual job offer is a testament to your hard work.

However, how do you let other companies know that you have a formal offer? There are many considerations, but first, you have to decide if you’re seriously considering the offer at hand. This decision will help inform your next steps.

No matter where you are in the hiring process with different companies, communication and transparency are key. Let’s walk through the best way to let a company know you have another job offer and integrate a few handy tips.

Actions to Take First When You Have Another Job Offer

  1. Get the job offer in writing
  2. Clarify when they’ll need an answer from you
  3. Reflect on the job offer

Get the Offer in Writing

Before making any type of commitment, get the job offer in writing. Hiring managers may first make an offer verbally, whether in person or on the phone. If you’re genuinely interested in the position, respond with enthusiasm and gratitude, but don’t immediately accept the offer. Request for your prospective employer to provide the offer in writing, including benefits, salary, and expected start date.

Clarify the Timeline

Ask the hiring manager making the official offer about the timeline. Clarify when they require a firm decision. This is important because it informs how soon you need to communicate with your other job prospects and defines your decision-making window. Respect deadlines—dragging your feet only makes you look unprofessional.

Seriously Reflect on the Job Offer

Once you have the offer in writing and understand the timeframe, take a moment to truly reflect on the opportunity. Does the job align with your professional goals? Do you share the same values as the company? Can you see yourself fitting in with the company culture? Make a list of your top priorities, whether pay and benefits, flexibility, culture, or work-life balance, and weigh the offer within the context of those priorities.

RELATED: How to Answer, “What Other Companies Are You Interviewing With?”

Second, Remember to Communicate

Be transparent. If you decide to take the offer, you should let the other hiring managers know. Reviewing applications, scheduling interviews, facilitating background checks, and vetting candidates takes time and resources. Don’t string another company along if you don’t intend to pursue their position.

If this is the case, you can simply email the hiring manager, letting them know you’ve decided to accept another job offer. Be concise, courteous, and professional. They don’t need to know the specifics of the offer. Just be clear that they should remove your application from the hiring pool.

If you don’t plan to take the job offer or you’re on the fence, you should still communicate with other prospective employers. There are several advantages to sharing this information:

  • Another offer makes you more competitive. You’re clearly a potential asset to that company.
  • Knowing that you have an offer may motivate another employer to speed up their hiring process so as not to lose out.
  • Another employer could then make a better offer.

You can share your competing offer during the interview or while waiting for another company’s decision. Be confident. There’s no need to dig into the exact details, but be honest about what attracts you to the offer.

At the same time, don’t play mind games. Let the competing company know if you’re actually interested in continuing as a candidate. Be honest about your prospects and motivations.

Navy background. Circle crop image of a black man working on his resume. Insight Global logo. Title: Create Your Perfect Resume! Subtitle: Use our checklist to create a tailored resume to impress the hiring manager.

Next, Use the Offer to Your Advantage

Having a firm offer in your back pocket is a great advantage that may incite a competing offer from another company. This is an ideal position at the negotiating table. Compare the pros and cons of each job. Don’t get distracted by a flashy paycheck. Consider the whole package with special attention to company culture, development opportunities, job flexibility, and benefits.

Identify a few reasonable asks. Does one job offer pay more? Could the competing offer match that pay? With a confirmed backup option, you have some leverage and can confidently negotiate for a better job offer with another company.

RELATED: How to Negotiate Pay: 7 Things to Think About

How to juggle Multiple Offers

We’ve gone over how to inform other companies and leverage your job offer to get further along in the hiring process. But what about when you’ve received multiple job offers that all sound appealing? How do you pick the right fit for you?

The most important aspects to consider when picking between multiple offers are:

  • Which job will contribute to your personal and career development?
  • Which job can you see yourself staying with long-term?
  • Which team do you get along with most?
  • Which opportunity excites you more?

Of course, details of the job offer such as pay and benefits are also a deciding factor, but you want to make sure you feel fulfilled in whichever option you choose. It’s essential to focus on where your values align instead of thinking solely of the material benefit.

If you’re having trouble deciding, it’s okay to ask for a bit more time–just be honest and transparent with each company and make sure you aren’t keeping them waiting too long. After all, the worst they can say is no. As you compare your offers, take care when discussing them with each company. You don’t want to seem like you’re trying to start a bidding war. Make it clear that you are just carefully weighing your decision.

If one company stands out more, let them know they are your top pick even though you are considering other opportunities. You can mention why you want to work for that company and explain what appeals to you about the other offers. This allows your first choice to show you how determined they are to have you join the team, whether that means they will speed up the hiring process or amend the job offer to include additional perks.

READ NEXT: 25 Questions to Ask Before You Accept a Job Offer

What Not to Do When You Have Another Job Offer

As mentioned above, don’t dilly-dally. Be prompt and clear with your position. Be respectful of deadlines and other people’s time. If you’re not interested in an offer, you can use it as leverage in a negotiation but don’t wait too long to decline the opportunity. Otherwise, you may accidentally damage your professional reputation.

Don’t be flighty or indecisive. Let the opportunity go if you are uncomfortable deciding. Trust your instincts. However, if you have committed an offer, stay firm. Let the other companies know immediately so they can move on to other great candidates.

When deciding on a job offer, don’t underestimate the value of workplace culture. In addition to low pay, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce cites a lack of flexibility and feeling disrespected as the main reasons that workers leave their jobs. As you consider your options, consider your potential work environment. Many people will compromise on pay to achieve a more desirable work-life balance.

While the hiring process takes time, companies like to move quickly once they’ve made an offer. Be sure to clarify their expectations and request the time you need to reflect, make a decision, and communicate with other prospective employers accordingly.

Be proud of receiving a job offer, even if you ultimately move in another direction. Having a firm offer will make you feel more confident and give you leverage to negotiate with another company. Just remember to be transparent, prompt, and courteous throughout the process.

Find Your Next Great Opportunity

If you’re looking for a new, exciting job or additional job seeker guidance, connect with the Insight Global team today. You can leverage our job board to find your next great opportunity.